In April a new class of STP-students arrived in Massanga. They have all been selected on the basis of a interview conducted by our national board in Sierra Leone and a day of evaluation with our staff in Masanga. Their first training module and introduction to the field of surgery was hosted by Dr. Lesley Hunt. She is consultant colorectal surgeon at Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Trust and has been trainer with Capacare since 2013. This year she was accompanied by theater nurse Downie Baylie from the same UK hospital.
During the first week of training the students goes through the basics of how to scrub, dress and handle them self in an operating theater. Basic techniques for knotting and suturing are taught at the skillslab and the students have to learn the name and application of the different surgical equipment available. In week two the students apply what they have learned in the operating theater, were they observe procedures and assist surgeons and senior STPs at work.
Theater nurse Downie Baylie from the UK and STP-student Gibril Unisa Turay in the Masanga skillslab.