Back in 2015, one of our STP-graduates, Alpha Mohamed Samura, contacted Professor Christopher Balogun-Lynch after a successful uterine tamponade procedure using the “B-Lynch suture”. Professor B. Lynch is a retired Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Surgeon educated at Oxford and St Bartholomew´s Medical College. In 1997 he published a description of the “B-Lynch Brace suture” for controlling massive postpartum hemorrhage, a lifesaving and fertility preserving surgical technique that since has been utilized worldwide. Alpha Mohamed Samura grew up in the same village in Sierra Leone as Professor B.Lynch and a email conversation followed. Somewhere along the line the international coordinator of CapaCare was contacted. The Professor showed interest in coming to Masanga to teach himself and CapaCare was off course more than happy to accommodate. In June 2016 Professor B. Lynch returned to the country he left 50 years earlier and more then 40 STP-students, graduates and medical doctors from all over Sierra Leone to attend the classes he held in Masanga.
In May this year, Professor B. Lynch joined us again as a trainer, sharing his wealth of knowledge in gynecology and obstetrics. He was also present at our graduation ceremony and were de did us the honor of serving as keynote speaker. The Professor proved to be little affected by his respectable age and resent back surgery. He kept up with a packed schedule for the duration of his stay and after leaving Masanga he went on to attend the independence day celebrations in Freetown. CapaCare are very grateful for Professor B. Lynch´s contribution to the program and for his effort to champion the program both in Sierra Leone and abroad.