On the 17th of October the Sierra Leone Health and Biomedical Research Association(HBIOMED) hosted the 9th annual research symposium in Freetown. The three day event started with a workshop targeting students and young researchers with a special interest for determinants of health. The overall theme this year was “Exploring non-communical diseases in Sierra Leone”. On day two a number of CapaCare representatives gave presentations and shared experiences from their research. Program Coordinator and dutch tropical doctor, Daniel van Leerdam gave a presentation on the surgical training program regarding safety, productivity and contribution to the national health system. Read the article here.
On the last session of the day SACHO and MD Michael M. Kamara gave us insights into the unmet need and outcomes of caesarean sections in Sierra Leone, as well as the impact of the Ebola outbreak on caesareans sections performed. CapaCare board member Dr. Alex van Duinen also presented data from his ongoing PHD-research relating to maternal health and perinatal outcomes after caesarean sections.
Representatives from Serabu Hospital, CapaCare and Masanga Hospital at HBIOMED in Freetown